So, at my day job, I spend a lot of time searching the internet for things that somewhat relate to my job description. Today, on my quest through the numerous personality test websites, I came across this gem and it told me the following about myself:
Diagnostic Overview: Your responses indicate that you're basically normal, except for your obsession with sheep and running naked in the moonlight. Electroshock therapy might help; taking foolish inkblot tests on the internet sure as hell won't. Get a hobby (one not involving sheep) and try to keep your twisted impulses under control. People who answer as you did always cheat at card games or other pursuits.
Long-Term Prognosis: Deep-seated fantasies about Margaret Thatcher and roto-tilling equiptment means you will never be able to pass as a normal member of society. Your disorder often leads to prancing about in the middle of a busy street at midnight in leotards and a cute umbrella. This is good, because being run over by a truck removes oddballs like you from the gene pool.
Additional Fears: You're also afraid of cats, red cars, and hummingbirds. This is silly-when was the last time hummingbirds caused you any harm?
Sounds about right :)
Now, onto a yoga related quiz I've made up for your general consumption! What does the color of your yoga mat say about your personality? (second part of the analysis tells you how the color impacts you).
BLUE: You are seen as trustworthy, dependable, and committed. Blue is calming, cooling, and aids intuition.
GREEN: You are peaceful and have a host of fresh ideas. Green is soothing, helps alleviate depression, nervousness, and anxiety, and offers a sense of renewal, self-control, and harmony.
YELLOW: You are optimistic, creative, and happy. Yellow is mentally stimulating, it activates memory, stimulates the nervous system, and encourages communication.
ORANGE: You are fun and flamboyant, radiating warmth and energy. Orange stimuates activity, stimulates appetite, and encourages socialization.
RED: You are the centre of attention, aggressive, and live your life fully. Red increases enthusiasm, stimulates energy, encourages action and confidence, and offers a sense of protection from fears and anxiety.
PURPLE: You are sensitive, insightful, and artistic. Purple is uplifting, calming to the mind and nerves, encourages creativity, and is associated with spirituality.
GREY: You are timeless, practical, and solid. Grey is unsettling and expectant.
BLACK: You are authoritative and powerful. Black evokes feelings of emptiness, mystery, and inconspicuousness.
Seriously, dude, my yoga mat is brown and you know it. What are you so afraid of?? ;-)